Monday, May 24, 2010


Stop being all misty for a moment. Need some info about episode. I think the jerks copped out. Sure I like how they;re all together in another life. I hated Christian's whole cryptic explanation. That sucked. They couldn't have him say one direct thing! And what was with the Desmond take the cap off the light and Jack put it back on thing? Why? What was Desmond's motivation? And why did Ben go from being an instigator to this episode when he was just standing around doing nothing? And the purgatory thing is unsatisfying as well. Like Jack and Juliet were married but they never had any flashes?


  1. Desmond thought that by taking the plug out of the light, he would be transported back to the other universe. When he wasn't, he was mighty disappointed because he had been there before and he knew it was a better place. What did happen when he unplugged it though was that all the evil was about to escape and destroy all of everything that ever was. I think. But it also made the smoke monster mortal somehow. It was the only way to kill him. Once that was done, Jack could plug it up again and keep the evil underground. Hmm. Hell? Probably! The island keeps hell down. Desmond saved humanity from the smoke monster by unplugging and giving Jack/Kate the opportunity to kill him. Jack saved humanity from hell on earth by plugging it up again. Maybe.

    I'm home sick. Just watched it again. Nothing new happened.

  2. I agree, that the explanation was not clear. For a while I couldn't figure out how people who didn't die ended up in the church, but then I spoke to Edge, (who should post his theory!) and he had a good point about it being the afterlife from Jack's point of view, so all of the people who were important to him ended up in his afterlife whether they died on the island or seventy years later of old age...
