V should be sucking LOST's teet and thanking them for a terrific lead in. Never mind that freaking Juliet is running around being some kind of ballsy FBI neglectful mother, but I've never seen a show that makes you care less about its characters. I only watched one, and that was enough. I'd sit through a season of Castle if it meant I wouldn't have to watch one minute of this garbage. I can't do it. V: They Win.
One a side note, this made me appreciate the direct approach of the 1996 Summer blockbuster, Independence Day. The aliens only made everyone wait for a hot second before they revealed that they were going to skull and crossbones everyone. There was no need for shitty character building. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that Will Smith already did this better. Jeff Goldblum was there too.
The only thing worse than watching V is being reminded about it while you are watching LOST.
That's where I draw the line. Did it seem like LOST had more commercials than usual this week? Well it did, and that's saying alot considering how much commercials they usually have. (Sometimes I can't wait for it to DVR and I watch it in real time. Sue me.) I believe this is directly related to the season premier of V: They Suck. ABC was like "Oh, let's get all of the commercials out of the way during LOST so we can focus on this remake of a 1983 miniseries."
Then, Jack Bauer lent his clock to the stupid aliens and we had to watch it in the bottom righthand corner of our screen during LOST. All this did for LOST fans was remind them how many minutes were remaining in the episode. Not even Desmond could make up for this blunder.
V: Fuck You. How dare you try and drag MUSE down with you. Their music is phenominal and should have nothing to do with your stupid show.
Dude, I had to watch Lost on my DVR, so that horrible countdown in the corner was so annoying. I may have given V a chance, but now they've lost me.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more. V SUCKS!! The original wasn't bad in 1983 but I watched it again on Netflix last year and let's just say that what's best left in your memory of it is best.
ReplyDeleteNot only were there more commercials in LOST but a good portion of them were long ass commercials for V. Like "In case you missed how shitty V used to be, here's a 3 minute recap. You don't care about LOST, right? OK good because when Jin and Sun try to have a heartfelt Korean moment, we're going to block the translation with a countdown."
Who is watching V??
One more thing... you should ALWAYS watch LOST on DVR. If you can wait a week, you can wait til 9:20.
Shaka out.