Tuesday, May 11, 2010


OK, so let's recap:

Jacob and Smoke Monster are brothers.
They were born on the island to a woman named Claudia.
Claudia's ship shipwrecked on the island.
Allison Janney kills Claudia after she gives birth to the twins but before she names the Smoke Monster.
She kills Claudia the same way Juliet set off the hydrogen bomb.
She raises Jacob and the Smoke Monster as her own.
Jacob is honest and can't lie. The Smoke Monster can.
Mom leaves the boys a game with black and white stones.
The boys see men. They're scared and run to mom.
Mom takes them to a light.
Audience finds out that one of them must stay there and protect the light, which, if extinguished, would mean the end of all mankind.
Audience gasps. (maybe not)
Allison Janney is scary.
The Smoke Monster can see dead people.
Claudia's shipmates survived on the island.
The Smoke Monster tries to get Jacob to go to the other survivors.
He knows the truth about evil CJ (Janney's character on West Wing).
He vows to leave the island.
Jacob's a mama's boy. He vows to stay with fake-mom-who-killed-real-mom.
Jacob grows up and makes blankets.
Man in Black thinks people are greedy and selfish but stays with them in hopes of getting off the island.
He and Jacob, as adults, play their childhood game.
He has found sites where metal acts weird. He thinks those sites will help him leave the island.
Mama-dearest visits the Man in Black.
The Man in Black reveals his wheel/light system to his mother, but it still leaves audience questioning it.
Mama rams Man in Black against the wall. She seems to like to kill people.
Mom brings Jacob back to the light and puts him in charge of it. She tells him to never go down there. Then she gives him some wine while mumbling something.
Jacob drinks it and promises to protect the place as long as he can after he protests. He has mom issues. Knows he's second best.
But wait. ... The Smoke Monster's not dead! He awakens to find his well is gone, his people are dead. He gets angry.
He returns home and ransacks the place.
Mama returns and finds the childhood game with just one black stone and one white stone remaining. She spends way too much time looking at them.
Man in Black stabs Mommy dearest. She dies. He cries.
Jacob beats him up and throws the Man in Black into the light.
The island starts to shake and the Smoke Monster emerges.
What did Jacob do?
Then he finds his brother's body and carries him back home.
He puts the black and white stones into a pouch, lays the Man in Black beside their mom. Many, many years later, Jack and Kate find their skeletons in the cave, along with the stones.
Audience releases sighs of relief knowing the story behind Adam and Eve.
The end.

What are your thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excellent recap, Ma! Except you forgot about the zombies!

  3. what are all of you thinking? I miss the office where I can just come bug you at your desk! I miss you all, by the way! When are we having a Lost party?

  4. I think ... I don't know what I think. It's all too much. I think I'm just going to strap in and enjoy the rest of the ride.

  5. Great recap. Do you think Mama really left the game on the beach? My theory is that another person dropped the game there, but Mama told Baby-mib that she left it in order to maintain her lie that there are no other people on the island.

  6. We should have a lost party, great idea Christine!

  7. The party was actually AZ's idea!

    Kate, I agree that I'm not so sure I believe Mama just left the game on the beach for them to find. Maybe it had come from the wrecked ship and was uncovered in the sand? I can't think of any reason why Mama would leave it.

  8. ATTENTION LOSTIES: I have finally figured out how to log-in and comment on this blog!! Hooray!!

    Things I've been wanting to comment on, but couldn't:
    -The game was definitely not left by Mama. (Props to her though for not skipping a beat and telling young Smokey that she did.)
    -Jacob was pretty lame as a kid. Sad.
    -Why couldn't Mama name the second baby? Did he seriously grow up being called Brother? No wonder he felt like he didn't belong.
    -Smokey can see dead people. Jacob can't. Hurley can. Interesting?
    -What made Mama so nutsy? Why was she guarding the Light?
    -Did anyone else read the Golden Compass/Dark Materials trilogy? Does the Light under the island remind you of Dust?
    -That episode blew my mind.
    -A Lost party is a great idea!

  9. Wait a minute... when CJ told MIB that he was seeing dead people, wasn't she showing him the camp of men that came from the sea with his mother? Because they were very much ALIVE. At least they were at that time, until CJ slaughtered them. So was she lying to MIB kid when she told him he was looking at dead people?

    I think CJ was the smoke monster of the island before MIB. I don't think she was the first smoke monster ever (unless she was) but think about it. MIB killed her by stabbing her in the back before she could talk to him. That's how Sayid was instructed to kill UnLocke from the Planet of the Apes people. Of course... CJ had been talking to MIB her whole life but that's neither here nor there because it tears my theory apart.

  10. Oh wait. he saw his mom. Nevermind about the ghost village part. But the rest is good. I think.

  11. YAY! Laura's here! Please explain the Dust thing! I've never read the trilogy, but I may if it sounds interesting!

    I'm not sure CJ was a smoke monster. Because she made Jacob an equal or the same as her, and he wasn't a smoke monster. So I think the smoke monster was created only when MIB got into the light. I don't know. Who knows at this point?
