Friday, February 26, 2010

Conspiracy Theory!

Why am I the only one posting on this blog? I hope you're all actually reading this! Or maybe it's because it's Friday night, and I'm sitting at home on my laptop while watching the Olympics short track races ...

Anyway, I've been catching up on Project Rungay's blog and the boys there came up with this brilliant conspiracy theory. You know those magic numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42? The guys thought it out, and with the exception of Hurley, all those names are J names—J as in Jacob!

4: John Locke
8: Hugo Reyes
15: James Ford/Sawyer
16: Sayid Jarrah
23: Jack Shephard
42: Jin Kwon

And one of their brilliant followers pointed out that in Spanish, Hugo is spelled Jugo sometimes. So that totally fits with the J conspiracy! I don't know what that means, but isn't that interesting?

Thank the Smoke Monster for snow days!

Because I finally watched this week's episode! And I'm starting a new post because the one Shaka Bry started is so far down.

How exciting was this episode? I enjoyed it, but at times, I was like, "Wait, what?!"

For instance, I feel as if the writers are bringing back stuff from the first season just to tie up loose ends. I mean, what was really the significance of the cave scene? Did Hurley know that Jack's dad's body was on the plane? Who did those bodies belong to? They were "Adam and Eve," right? So they couldn't have been the bodies of Jacob and the other guy, right? I don't get.

The lighthouse was cool and all, but, to paraphrase Jack, how come no one, in their search of the island, and in Sayid's walk around the island after he tortured Sawyer, had ever encountered it? That and the huge monstrous temple?

Oh, Claire, how crazy you are now. How did you live three years on the island and not encounter any of the other plane survivors? What did you put in that crib to represent Aaron? I swore she was going to decapitate the captured Other (other Other?). Do you guys think she's infected with what Rousseau's shipmates (whom she killed) were infected with? Does Sayid have the same infection? What will happen to everyone at the temple now that unLocke's team is headed there? Will everyone there die?

Speaking of the other plane survivors, what ever happened to them?

Oh so many questions! And then ABC goes ahead and gives us a sucky preview that says absolutely nothing about next week's episode!

BTW, anyone who wants to post, send me a message!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Please forgive me ...

I'm still catching up on Lost! Just finished last week's episode ("The Substitute"), but I haven't read any of the posts since last week because I'm afraid I'll ruin "Lighthouse" for me. Here are my thoughts:

  • I love that Sawyer has read "Of Mice and Men." I find hot guys who read books hot. Ooh, baby!
  • Did those numbers written in chalk on the ceiling in the cave correspond with Hurley's numbers/numbers they had to input into the computer?
  • How awesome is LAX time lines Hurley? He's so confident and positive!
  • I love how Locke has such a great life in the LAX time line. I'm interested in seeing more of teacher Locke.
  • Ben Linus in LAX is hilarious. Nerd alert!
  • I love how Ben in regular time line gives Locke's eulogy and mentions he murdered Locke. And then Lapidus' reaction as they bury Locke.
  • Is a war going to result, and will Sawyer fight against Jack?
Let me know your thoughts!

Oh, I am hoping for a snow day so I can watch "Lighthouse"! Until then, no more visits here for me!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New WR LOSTies!

Welcome New WR LOSTies!

Can you post new threads at this point? I think you need to be invited as an administrator and I think Christine has the power to do that and I think she'll be back tomorrow so I think you should comment and ... smoke 'em if you got 'em..


The Lighthouse

I enjoyed last night's episode. I was misled by AZ earlier in the day though. She said it was going to be a Hurley episode. Sure, he was featured, but I thought the parallel story would be his. Regardless, I thought the Jack story with his son was cute. But I have to say this... what is up with Parallel World??

Why does Jack not quite remember getting his appendix out? Is that somehow related to why his neck was bleeding on the plane? I think this Parallel World is horseshit. It's not real. It's like when Marty McFly was disappearing at the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance. Kinda.

Other thoughts:

Hurley is too trusting. I guarantee he's not going to survive the series and when he kicks it it's going to be even sadder than when Charlie died. I'm sure he will die doing something heroic.

Claire's gone batshit crazy. I love it! I don't think our original idea of her being like Rousseau holds water anymore. Rousseau was a vigilante who fought the people who went evil. Claire IS evil now. Welp, see ya later, Claire.

Ultimate Showdown is definitely building between Jack and Sawyer. I swear I just got goosebumps thinking of it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Books of LOST

This is pretty self explanatory but I'll explain it anyway. It's a very partial list of the books read and/or thrown around on LOST. Also on this page is a link to the source: a full list of all the books ever read and or thrown around on LOST. However that page has some weird lighting issues.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Katy Segal is one of the guest stars for tonights episode, so that's a pretty good give away that it will be a Locke-centric episode. Pretty interesting thought considering that we assume the real Locke is dead. Does anyone have any predictions?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Which Is Worse?

A Kate-centric episode or a Jack-centric episode?

For Better Or Worse?

I didn't catch onto this myself. But I read on that when Jin and Sun were held at customs in LA, the officer addresses Sun as Ms. Paik (not Mrs. Kwon). Does that mean in this alternate reality Jin and Sun are not husband and wife, but instead businessman and the boss's daughter? How does the knowledge of this possibility affect our perception of their interactions on the plane? And do you think Sun really can't speak English in this reality or is she lying?

Death will come to some ...

You and I both know that some of our beloved/most hated characters will die by the end of this season. Which characters would you most like to see offed?
My picks:
Jack: He wasn't even supposed to survive the first episode of the series! It's destiny! He's supposed to die!
Kate: Her character's so one-dimensional. It would be so satisfying to see her gone. Unfortunately, I don't think the writers would go that far.
Ben: He's creepy. The end.
Hippie John Lennon lookalike at the temple: Come on. John Lennon? He was shot? Again, destiny? OK, I don't really care whether he dies. Just wanted to make the connection.

What do you think?

More Talk on Episode 2

The TV Obsessed - This was actually an interesting recap. I had totally forgotten that the French who'd come to the island with Rousseau were dragged into the temple and then came out "changed." What does that mean? It's the same temple the other Others are occupying now ...
EW - Someone who actually seems to like Kate!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where are the theories?

Let's get some discussions on, people!

Talking points:

- What do you think has happened to Claire? What will her role be on the island now?

- Does Miles know something about Sayid?

- Who is the Japanese-speaking man at the temple?

- What does UnLocke want with Sawyer (previews seemed to show they meet up)?

- Is Ethan still a bad guy in the LA time line?

- Is there a Ben in the LA time line?

- When are we going to see Widmore and Daniel Faraday's mom again?

- More important, when will we see Desmond and Penny again?

- Will Jack die by the series finale?

- Will my plane from Sydney to Los Angeles on 2/23 crash onto a mysterious island haunted by a smoke monster and crazy "Others"?

Let's dish!

Previously on Scrabble

There are some interesting PARALLELS here at WR. The season premiere of Scrabble is commencing on the heels of the greatest show ever. So you may find the following information very, very interesting.

Most of the major players on LOST are also major players on the Scrabble board. Here's a guide to help you with your next big win.

Jack- Put him in the right place and he just might score.

Sawyer-Strong and full of potential, this one may dominate the game yet.

Note: Kate won't actually get you anywhere. But if you insist on driving a wedge, try Cate which means choice food (Jack:yum), or freckles (Sawyer!) or perhaps tracker.

Hurley-Check out this big boy!

Sayid-Torture your opponent with this one.

Jin-A quiet little word that can pack a punch.

Sun-Minor points, but useful in a dark spot.

Charlie-Get all of these letters in your tray and Bingo! What better way to honor the ultimate sacrifice?

Ben or Benjamin-Short and crafty or bold and aggressive, either way, this one can certainly move the game. (Does anyone remember Henry Gale?)

Lock-Leave off the last “E” for epically existentialist.

Boon-Leave off the last "E" for early exit.

If Eloise Hawking was a warmer, nicer kind of mom she might have had a nickname for her son Daniel Farraday. Remember Dan for future moves.

And don't forget to go Miles, toss a Penny, and pick a Rose and surely you will be victorious.

I wish I were on an island right now ...

... because I'm lonely in this office thanks to the snow!

What others are saying about last night's episode:

L.A. Times
New York Times
Chicago Tribune
The Star-Ledger

Seems no one else was very impressed either. ...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Episode 2

I couldn't wait until morning. Did anyone else not find this episode that satisfying? It left me feeling empty inside.

Except for the part when Sawyer cried over Juliet (who died again this episode, by the way). That was touching. Oh, Sawyer. You were not meant to be alone.

And that Kate. She was looking to move in on Juliet's territory, and her body's not even cold! I did not like Kate last night. I mean, she pulled a gun on a pregnant girl! Sheesh!

What are your thoughts?

More linky links!

Hurley on playing Hurley
Some people discuss "It worked."
Locke talks about playing Smocke
*I like "Smocke."

T Minus ...

7 hours until "Lost"! (Insert sound here.)

UnLocke for President

I'm tough and I get the job done!
I will wipe out all political bureaucracy with a simple swipe of my smoke monster tentacle.
Vote for me - UnLocke!

I'll be president one day.
Think I can't do it? Click here.

DIY Dharma Initiative Station

We're going to start our own Dharma stations in the office. I'm not sure exactly what we'll do in our stations (probably just create great educational publications).
If you want to start your own Dharma station, you need to print out a symbol for one of the Dharma stations and hang it up in your cubicle.
The following stations have already been assigned:
Alicia=The Looking Glass
Bryon=The Orchid
Kate=The Temple
E.J.=The Swan
When you choose a station, add it to the comments so we know who you are.

Hurley For President

Hurley's gonna clean up this country! Vote for Hurley!

His campaign slogan will solve all world crises: "Dude."

Is there an election coming up?


Roundup of "Lost" in the News

Who's excited for tonight's episode?

Read up on what others think will happen and more about the show:

Entertainment Weekly
TV Guide
USA Today
Buddy TV

In other Lost-related news:
Jin loves Hawaii, to star in Hawaii Five-O
Hurley has a podcast
Lost Super Bowl ad (at top of linked page)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome, WR Lost fans!

You asked for it. Here it is. A place we can discuss our thoughts on the best darn show out there and to share links to other sites with cool theories.

What happened in the season opener? The simple version is that the hydrogen bomb created two separate time lines. In the first, the bomb didn't work, and Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, and the others flashed from 1977 to 2007, but they remain on the island and encounter the other Others. In the second, the island lies on the ocean floor, and the Oceanic flight lands safely in Los Angeles.

So what are your theories and expectations for this week's episode? Comment below! Let's make this the best virtual meeting place!