Except for the part when Sawyer cried over Juliet (who died again this episode, by the way). That was touching. Oh, Sawyer. You were not meant to be alone.
And that Kate. She was looking to move in on Juliet's territory, and her body's not even cold! I did not like Kate last night. I mean, she pulled a gun on a pregnant girl! Sheesh!
What are your thoughts?
Yeah. The episode was just kinda blah. Not much going on. I hate how the previews are all like "This is the season where you get all the answers." But then we don't.
ReplyDeleteJack's sister was Ana Lucia, right?
I heart Sayid.
I think Jack's sister is Claire. They had the same dad, but neither of them knows that. I was happy to see her back, but she looks scary, kind of wild like Rousseau.
ReplyDeleteWill Ana Lucia be back?
Jack does know that Claire is his sister. After the Oceanic 6 returned to LA they had a memorial service for Jack's dad and Claire's mother was there. She told Jack that he and Claire had the same father.
ReplyDeleteBut Claire does not know.
Christine, I think you're right about the Rousseau connection. It's almost like there are certain scenarios that just must play out on the island, one of them being a wild jungle woman who had a child on the island and then had the child taken from her.
I wasn't all that impressed with the episode either.
They have a lot of questions to answer and not too many episodes left. They better step up!
You have a good memory, Kate! I'm glad you got to watch the episode!
ReplyDeleteI forgot about the memorial service! OK, so Claire doesn't know. Or does she? She seemed to have a bonding moment with their dad last season in Jacob's cabin (when she was all, like, everything's going to be OK to whomever they were talking to (Locke?)).
So what do you think is up with Sayid? It doesn't sound as if he's going to be possessed by Jacob. I wonder what Miles thinks. Being able to talk to the dead has to play a role here somehow.
ohhhhh yeah. Claire. I forgot about that. Duh.
ReplyDeleteKate, when did you watch the show? Last night when you got home?
Actually I watched it at like 6 this morning. I think this particular episode could have waited till tonight, though...
ReplyDeleteBut didn't Ana Lucia bump uglies with Daddy Shephard? Or maybe he just wanted to. Could never stand that Ana Lucia.
ReplyDeleteI think Ana Lucia and Christian just hung out for a few hours at the airport, right? Nothing more?
ReplyDeleteAm I too naive or is it that I can't remember back that far?
According to Lostpedia, nothing R-rated happened:
Search for "Ana Lucia."