Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where are the theories?

Let's get some discussions on, people!

Talking points:

- What do you think has happened to Claire? What will her role be on the island now?

- Does Miles know something about Sayid?

- Who is the Japanese-speaking man at the temple?

- What does UnLocke want with Sawyer (previews seemed to show they meet up)?

- Is Ethan still a bad guy in the LA time line?

- Is there a Ben in the LA time line?

- When are we going to see Widmore and Daniel Faraday's mom again?

- More important, when will we see Desmond and Penny again?

- Will Jack die by the series finale?

- Will my plane from Sydney to Los Angeles on 2/23 crash onto a mysterious island haunted by a smoke monster and crazy "Others"?

Let's dish!


  1. One question I had before was why was Desmond on the plane and I think I may have figured it out. Here's my theory. If in the B timeline the island was underwater it means that Desmond never shipwrecked there. He probably landed in Fiji or some other populated place where he was able to get help. Then he was free to go on with his life (whether he was with Penny or not, I don't know) but he could have been on the plane for any number of reasons if he never landed on the island in the first place.

  2. I think your theory is most likely true. But is he still shifting through time?

  3. Hmmm... I can't remember. What caused him to shift through time? Was it when he turned the failsafe key? If that's the case, I would think he's not shifting through time because he wouldn't have turned the key if he never went to the island.

  4. Regarding Ben in the LA time line...
    The last time we see young Ben before the bomb goes off is when Kate gives him to Richard Alpert after he is shot. Richard brings him to the temple. (Hmmm... does Ben have the darkness too?) So if the bomb detonation makes the island sink then I guess Ben would die. Right?

  5. I can't remember, either, what caused Desmond to start shifting. But I do remember Desmond saying to Jack before the Oceanic 6 left Penny's boat something like, "See you in another life, brutha." Hmm ... (Yeah, that had nothing to do with time-shifting.)

    If the island sank, then wouldn't Ethan have also sunk? But Ethan's alive ...?

  6. I was reminded by one of the other blogs that before "the incident" Dr. Chang ordered all of the women and children to the sub. So Ethan, and Miles for that matter, would have been taken off of the island by their mothers shortly before the bomb went off.
