Tuesday, February 9, 2010

DIY Dharma Initiative Station

We're going to start our own Dharma stations in the office. I'm not sure exactly what we'll do in our stations (probably just create great educational publications).
If you want to start your own Dharma station, you need to print out a symbol for one of the Dharma stations and hang it up in your cubicle.
The following stations have already been assigned:
Alicia=The Looking Glass
Bryon=The Orchid
Kate=The Temple
E.J.=The Swan
When you choose a station, add it to the comments so we know who you are.


  1. AZ just told me that the Orchid was where Ben moved the island. Kickass! Yah! I'm the Orchid. This makes me happy. Locke had some garden there too. Actual Locke... not UnLocke.

  2. My station is a little sad though ... Charlie!!!!

  3. My station has polar bears! And I keep people in cages and torture them.

  4. I get to torture too! And poison people! And then bring them back to life.

  5. I have finally figured out how to participate...LOL. I have the Swan station.
