Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So What Are Your Predictions?

Will he die, or is ABC just pulling our leg?


  1. I think Ben is the most interesting character on the show. If he does die, I hope it is epic.

  2. Maybe the Smoke Monster gets him ...

    Maybe he's eaten by a polar bear ...

    Maybe Jacob gets back at him for killing him ...

    Maybe all the people he's killed come back to life in a Dawn-of-the-Dead manner and encircle him slowly, mumbling "Braaaaaaaaaaiiiinzzzzz! Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnz!"

  3. The zombies got me, and now I have to go home? ;)

  4. I don't think we can get to the end of this series without him dying... right? I mean, he's so evil, he has to die. No time like the present! (Considering it is the present...)

  5. Well, does that also mean that unLocke/FLocke (what are we calling him?) will die by the end of the series because he is evil too?

  6. He's evil, but he's also immortal. I don't think Ben's immortal... he bruises to easily.
