Wednesday, June 2, 2010
This blog was fun, this blog was a gas.
LOST was good but now it's past.
I liked the time when Jack said, "Hey!"
I also heart that no one was gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The End.
LOST was good but now it's past.
I liked the time when Jack said, "Hey!"
I also heart that no one was gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The End.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The End Review
I like this one. Pretty much sums up my feelings, though way smarter than I:
Stop being all misty for a moment. Need some info about episode. I think the jerks copped out. Sure I like how they;re all together in another life. I hated Christian's whole cryptic explanation. That sucked. They couldn't have him say one direct thing! And what was with the Desmond take the cap off the light and Jack put it back on thing? Why? What was Desmond's motivation? And why did Ben go from being an instigator to this episode when he was just standing around doing nothing? And the purgatory thing is unsatisfying as well. Like Jack and Juliet were married but they never had any flashes?
The End
LOST was good. I heart LOST.
Yeah ok so the sideways universe was actually a purgatory the whole time and the island was real. Wow. I love it. I got choked up with every reunion, too, Christine. They were all so touching. Small tear.
Was the plane wreckage they showed during the credits the new plane? I think it was. Locke put explosives on it, right? So it probably blew up just after Jack saw it fly by. Killing Lapides, Sawyer, Kate, Claire, and Miles.
Oh oh oh oh oh. I want to watch it again. Love it so much.
Here's something silly for you to view with headphones if you're at work.
Yeah ok so the sideways universe was actually a purgatory the whole time and the island was real. Wow. I love it. I got choked up with every reunion, too, Christine. They were all so touching. Small tear.
Was the plane wreckage they showed during the credits the new plane? I think it was. Locke put explosives on it, right? So it probably blew up just after Jack saw it fly by. Killing Lapides, Sawyer, Kate, Claire, and Miles.
Oh oh oh oh oh. I want to watch it again. Love it so much.
Here's something silly for you to view with headphones if you're at work.
I slept on it ...
Here are my thoughts:
The finale was brilliant. I didn't get all the answers I wanted, but what I got was satisfying.
The sideways universe was the road to the afterlife. Time didn't matter here. This "sideways universe" didn't happen in the past or the present. It was all about when the characters were ready to move on toward the light, where they'd be together for all eternity. Some people died sooner than others, while others lived out fulfilling lives.
Michael, perhaps, wasn't with the gang, because he'd told Hurley early on this season that he couldn't move on. His soul was stuck on the island. Walt wasn't there, because he didn't need the gang as much to move on. He led a full life off the island. Lapidus, maybe, wasn't there, because he'd also led a fulfilling life after the island. Nikki and guy whose name I can't remember weren't there, because they didn't play a major role in the others' lives. Sawyer didn't even have a clue who they were when Hurley told him they'd died. Mr. Eko wasn't there because the producers couldn't get him to return to the show. Or maybe it's because he'd made peace with himself back on the island and had already moved on to that happy place. Juliet, Penny, and Desmond were there because, even though they weren't one of the survivors of the plane crash, they were deeply affected by them and deeply affected their lives.
The only character I wished were there was Miles. And maybe Richard, too. Where were they?
How tearjerking was it to see the reunions of our favorite couples? I was so happiest to see Sawyer and Juliet reunite. And Claire and Charlie reunite. And Sayid and Shannon reunite. OK, I cried each time they found each other. It was all beautiful.
I also thought it was fantastic that Ben finally found a purpose in his life when Hurley asked him to be his number 2.
And it was brilliant that the writers made Hurley the new Jacob. How did we not see that coming? There were so many clues. Hurley and Jacob were so similar. Both were such honest guys with good hearts. It was only fitting that Hurley would become the guardian of the island. And there were hints earlier this season (or last season?) when Hurley started taking charge while Jack sat back.
I could go on, but I have to get ready for work!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Questions...And Other Thoughts
Where were Eko, Ana Lucia, the flight attendant, the pilot, pretty-boy Paulo, Nikki, those two kids, Frogurt, Walt, Michael, Vincent, Arzt, and Mars when everyone met in the church?
Why was Juliet with them in the church? She didn't die in the plane. Shouldn't it only have been people who died on the plane who ended up in the church?
And what about the fact that Desmond and Penny did not die, yet they were in the church?
Desmond told Eloise Hawking that he would take Daniel Faraday, but I didn't see him in the church.
Why was Juliet with them in the church? She didn't die in the plane. Shouldn't it only have been people who died on the plane who ended up in the church?
And what about the fact that Desmond and Penny did not die, yet they were in the church?
Desmond told Eloise Hawking that he would take Daniel Faraday, but I didn't see him in the church.
I might need to sleep on this one ...
Any thoughts? Comments? Insight?
I loved it, though. Pass me another tissue, please ...
Time for LOST!!!
Is anyone on right now? I'm watching the recap/documentary now. I'm so excited!!!
P.S. Baby P. is ASLEEP!!!
P.S. Baby P. is ASLEEP!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
LOST is ending tomorrow night. Anyone have any special plans? I saw a recipe online for Smoke Monster popcorn, but I kinda like my popcorn plain with butter (mmm ... butter ...) only, not with ground peppercorns and stuff.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
After LOST ~ The Future of Our Awesome Blogging Skills
So when LOST is over and we have sufficiently talked about it ad nauseum here, there, and everywhere, I think we should set up a new blog, similar to GBC, as just a place to put our wacky SOLD theories and WR shennanigans.
Or not. Either way.
Or not. Either way.
Flash Forward to Sunday ...
I think this list is very good. Pretty much sums up everything I need to know. But let's open the discussion:
What question is burning in your brain that needs to be answered?
What question is burning in your brain that needs to be answered?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
OK, so let's recap:
Jacob and Smoke Monster are brothers.
They were born on the island to a woman named Claudia.
Claudia's ship shipwrecked on the island.
Allison Janney kills Claudia after she gives birth to the twins but before she names the Smoke Monster.
She kills Claudia the same way Juliet set off the hydrogen bomb.
She raises Jacob and the Smoke Monster as her own.
Jacob is honest and can't lie. The Smoke Monster can.
Mom leaves the boys a game with black and white stones.
The boys see men. They're scared and run to mom.
Mom takes them to a light.
Audience finds out that one of them must stay there and protect the light, which, if extinguished, would mean the end of all mankind.
Audience gasps. (maybe not)
Allison Janney is scary.
The Smoke Monster can see dead people.
Claudia's shipmates survived on the island.
The Smoke Monster tries to get Jacob to go to the other survivors.
He knows the truth about evil CJ (Janney's character on West Wing).
He vows to leave the island.
Jacob's a mama's boy. He vows to stay with fake-mom-who-killed-real-mom.
Jacob grows up and makes blankets.
Man in Black thinks people are greedy and selfish but stays with them in hopes of getting off the island.
He and Jacob, as adults, play their childhood game.
He has found sites where metal acts weird. He thinks those sites will help him leave the island.
Mama-dearest visits the Man in Black.
The Man in Black reveals his wheel/light system to his mother, but it still leaves audience questioning it.
Mama rams Man in Black against the wall. She seems to like to kill people.
Mom brings Jacob back to the light and puts him in charge of it. She tells him to never go down there. Then she gives him some wine while mumbling something.
Jacob drinks it and promises to protect the place as long as he can after he protests. He has mom issues. Knows he's second best.
But wait. ... The Smoke Monster's not dead! He awakens to find his well is gone, his people are dead. He gets angry.
He returns home and ransacks the place.
Mama returns and finds the childhood game with just one black stone and one white stone remaining. She spends way too much time looking at them.
Man in Black stabs Mommy dearest. She dies. He cries.
Jacob beats him up and throws the Man in Black into the light.
The island starts to shake and the Smoke Monster emerges.
What did Jacob do?
Then he finds his brother's body and carries him back home.
He puts the black and white stones into a pouch, lays the Man in Black beside their mom. Many, many years later, Jack and Kate find their skeletons in the cave, along with the stones.
Audience releases sighs of relief knowing the story behind Adam and Eve.
The end.
What are your thoughts?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Everyone Is Gonna Die!!!!
This is my theory now.
I think everyone who exists in both time lines will end up dying in either one time line or the other. That way, there won't be doppelgangers running around everywhere. There will be one of everyone, and everything will be set right. The two time lines will merge to one, and it will probably turn out that the whole experience on the island does not exist in the memories of the characters who are left behind... meaning the last six years of OUR OWN lives were centered around NOTHING! But then again, whatever happened happened...
What are your theories now that we're down to the final three episodes?
I think everyone who exists in both time lines will end up dying in either one time line or the other. That way, there won't be doppelgangers running around everywhere. There will be one of everyone, and everything will be set right. The two time lines will merge to one, and it will probably turn out that the whole experience on the island does not exist in the memories of the characters who are left behind... meaning the last six years of OUR OWN lives were centered around NOTHING! But then again, whatever happened happened...
What are your theories now that we're down to the final three episodes?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Good Claire Day or Bad Claire Day?
What's behind Claire's move to the dark side? And will she stay there now that she's marooned with UnLocke? Here's one theory:
Jack's Back
Oh yes he is! After sitting out for a few episodes, we've seen that he wants to be the hero again. And Sawyer was being nice to him too, "Thanks Doc" and all. I like Jack the hero. So what does everyone think will happen in sideways universe once they all get together for an Oceanic Flight 815 reunion at the Hollywood Hilton? Who will be voted best couple? Most likely to succeed? Most improved? Most likely to be consumed by pure evil in smoke form? (What your high school didn't have that category? Mine did. And I dated the guy who smoked his way to the gutter too!--different kind of smoke) Anyway ...
I love when good Locke is among us.
I love when good Locke is among us.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Is it a sign?
In the book I'm proofreading for my new job, I just read this line:
"Don't tell me what I can't do."
Is it a sign? What is it a sign of? That good things will happen tonight on the show? (Good meaning exciting, not good vs. evil good.)
"Don't tell me what I can't do."
Is it a sign? What is it a sign of? That good things will happen tonight on the show? (Good meaning exciting, not good vs. evil good.)
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Must-Read
Wired Magazine has a great bunch of interviews and articles about our favorite show, including an artist who did some LOST paintings like the one here. Check them out!
As Lost Ends ...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Latest Episode
Okay, so that whole episode was great, but I am not lying that the tears were streaming down my face when Jin and Sun were reunited. Yay!!!
What did you think of the episode?
Do you think Desmond is the person who has to set everything right by leading people in the right direction so that eventually the two timelines will align?
What did you think of the episode?
Do you think Desmond is the person who has to set everything right by leading people in the right direction so that eventually the two timelines will align?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I don't want LOST to end. I just don't. I don't want it to end. I don't. Why does it have to end? Why? It's LOST. LOST doesn't end. Does it? No. Here is what I propose.
LOST does not end. It's the most intriguing series television has ever known. It has no beginning. So therefore, it has no end. What, you thought it all started when Oceanic 815 crashed on an island and Jack opened his eye? No. The forces of good and evil have been at work long before. Maybe since before time began, even. Whether or not the smoke monster gets off the island in the end doesn't much matter. No matter what can happen, he can never die. Jacob and nemesis will fight each other for all eternity. The setting of their epic battle is moot. Whether it is this island or the island of Manhattan. Son of a bitch!
So they tell us LOST is ending on May 23. Don't believe it. LOST will never end. We will not be given every desirable answer and there will always be room for discussion. Yes, some characters' stories will end. And I just know I'm going to end up crying over someone. Goddamnit, it better not be Hurley. Seriously, JJ, if Hurley dies, I'm coming for you. Don't do it. With their demises, we will lose pieces of our selves. But wherever each character's fate takes him, they will ALL be playing their parts. Everyone means something. Everyone matters.
Bring on the final 5 episodes! I eagerly await the culmination of 6 confusing years! What do you think? Will LOST end with a bang or a whimper? Will good conquer evil? Will everything make sense? Will the universes align? Will there be one final "eff you, viewer" where we discover that the alternate universe we have been experiencing all year long is actually OUR universe and WE are the true candidates. WE are part of LOST's neverending story. ... Or will it just end in Black like The Sopranos?
Will we be satisfied???
Video contest:
LOST does not end. It's the most intriguing series television has ever known. It has no beginning. So therefore, it has no end. What, you thought it all started when Oceanic 815 crashed on an island and Jack opened his eye? No. The forces of good and evil have been at work long before. Maybe since before time began, even. Whether or not the smoke monster gets off the island in the end doesn't much matter. No matter what can happen, he can never die. Jacob and nemesis will fight each other for all eternity. The setting of their epic battle is moot. Whether it is this island or the island of Manhattan. Son of a bitch!
So they tell us LOST is ending on May 23. Don't believe it. LOST will never end. We will not be given every desirable answer and there will always be room for discussion. Yes, some characters' stories will end. And I just know I'm going to end up crying over someone. Goddamnit, it better not be Hurley. Seriously, JJ, if Hurley dies, I'm coming for you. Don't do it. With their demises, we will lose pieces of our selves. But wherever each character's fate takes him, they will ALL be playing their parts. Everyone means something. Everyone matters.
Bring on the final 5 episodes! I eagerly await the culmination of 6 confusing years! What do you think? Will LOST end with a bang or a whimper? Will good conquer evil? Will everything make sense? Will the universes align? Will there be one final "eff you, viewer" where we discover that the alternate universe we have been experiencing all year long is actually OUR universe and WE are the true candidates. WE are part of LOST's neverending story. ... Or will it just end in Black like The Sopranos?
Will we be satisfied???
Video contest:
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Desmond's in a well
Desmond's in a well
Claire is still crazy
Hugo's got a plan
Jack is being lazy
Whitmore's on the island
Locke's a really evil host
Sayid is now a zombie
Michael is a ghost
Ben's kind of snarky
Richard defends his thesis
Miles is a follower
Illana blew herself to pieces
Kate's not very happy
Jin's missing his bride
Sun no hablo English
Sawyer is playing both sides
Desmond's in a well
He's also running over Locke
Mr. Hume hung out with Charlie
This man defies the clock
Claire is still crazy
Hugo's got a plan
Jack is being lazy
Whitmore's on the island
Locke's a really evil host
Sayid is now a zombie
Michael is a ghost
Ben's kind of snarky
Richard defends his thesis
Miles is a follower
Illana blew herself to pieces
Kate's not very happy
Jin's missing his bride
Sun no hablo English
Sawyer is playing both sides
Desmond's in a well
He's also running over Locke
Mr. Hume hung out with Charlie
This man defies the clock
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Did anyone see that coming?
By "that" I mean Ilana's death! How unexpected! I didn't think the writers would use that death by dynamite thing again.
I am a little frustrated that all the strong, powerful women on the show don't seem to last very long, though. Ilana seemed headed for heroic greatness for a second there. She had a plan to stop the MIB from leaving the island, and she was about to carry that plan out. But no, Hurley had to distract her, and she had to be blown up.
Let's take a look at other strong, powerful women who've met their untimely demise.
First there was Ana Lucia. Sure, she ticked off the producers by her drunken shenanigans. But Desmond was accused of worse, yet he's still on the show. Ana Lucia was pretty much the leader of the tail section. She wasn't afraid to kick butt. But no, Michael killed her when she let her guard down.
Then there was Danielle. This French chick managed to survive on this scary island without going too mad for many years. She could set traps, elude the Others, and put up a good fight. In the end, though, she was shot dead by the mercenaries as her daughter watched.
Remember Naomi? I do, not just because she was a strong character, but because the actress who portrayed her was on a show I used to watch, "Las Vegas." Naomi, if you don't recall, was one of the mercenaries, who, along with Miles and Daniel, supposedly came to the island to save the Oceanic survivors. Locke didn't trust who she was, so he struck her with a knife, and she later died. Poor Naomi. She had a strong personality and tons of military experience.
Nadia, Sayid's love, was a minor character, but the girl rebelled against Hussein's government, which led to her imprisonment and torture. And then she got hit by a bus.
And then there was Juliet. She's now saving Earth from aliens, but before that, she worked as a fertility doctor, lived with the Others on the island, probably did some evil bidding for them, kissed Jack and then Sawyer, knew how to use weapons, and then detonated the hydrogen bomb by striking the bomb with a rock after falling down the well.
Now we're just stuck with slutty Kate, crazy Claire, and whiny Sun. Oh, Ilana, you will be missed.
I am a little frustrated that all the strong, powerful women on the show don't seem to last very long, though. Ilana seemed headed for heroic greatness for a second there. She had a plan to stop the MIB from leaving the island, and she was about to carry that plan out. But no, Hurley had to distract her, and she had to be blown up.
Let's take a look at other strong, powerful women who've met their untimely demise.
First there was Ana Lucia. Sure, she ticked off the producers by her drunken shenanigans. But Desmond was accused of worse, yet he's still on the show. Ana Lucia was pretty much the leader of the tail section. She wasn't afraid to kick butt. But no, Michael killed her when she let her guard down.
Then there was Danielle. This French chick managed to survive on this scary island without going too mad for many years. She could set traps, elude the Others, and put up a good fight. In the end, though, she was shot dead by the mercenaries as her daughter watched.
Remember Naomi? I do, not just because she was a strong character, but because the actress who portrayed her was on a show I used to watch, "Las Vegas." Naomi, if you don't recall, was one of the mercenaries, who, along with Miles and Daniel, supposedly came to the island to save the Oceanic survivors. Locke didn't trust who she was, so he struck her with a knife, and she later died. Poor Naomi. She had a strong personality and tons of military experience.
Nadia, Sayid's love, was a minor character, but the girl rebelled against Hussein's government, which led to her imprisonment and torture. And then she got hit by a bus.
And then there was Juliet. She's now saving Earth from aliens, but before that, she worked as a fertility doctor, lived with the Others on the island, probably did some evil bidding for them, kissed Jack and then Sawyer, knew how to use weapons, and then detonated the hydrogen bomb by striking the bomb with a rock after falling down the well.
Now we're just stuck with slutty Kate, crazy Claire, and whiny Sun. Oh, Ilana, you will be missed.
Monday, April 12, 2010
LOST is just a four letter word for FATE
As is often the case with LOST, we are left wondering why certain characters meet their demise and what their presence on the show means on a grander scale. To make sense of all of these characters as a whole is a confusing mess. Instead, let's focus on one.
We know now who the Smoke Monster is, but we still don't know why or how. FATE, an underlying theme of the entire series, has been tossed around and I believe that's the determining factor for who lives and dies.
Now, for our example. Let's go back to Season 1, Episode 1. Jack, Kate and Charlie find the pilot on the plane. He's in rough shape and is feeling the effects of a concussion. Before he is ripped from his seat and yanked out of the cockpit window he shares some disturbing information with the gang. He tells them that the plane had lost radio contact six hours after take off, where it turned back for Fiji and hit turbulence. Ultimately, the plane was a thousand miles off course when it crashed.
I believe this information would affect the perception and beliefs of other key characters and affect their predetermined roles going forward. Thus, the MIB acted as a kind of 'FATE corrector' and eliminated a threat.
The flashes of electric light that emanate from the Smoke Monster serve as a scanner. I think this scan allows the MIB to take on all of that person's thoughts and experiences. I also believe it is able to determine whether the current state of the person in question matches up with their future self. In the case of Richard it allowed him to live, but mimicked his wife in an effort to trick him into thinking he was in hell. In the case of the pilot, his information about the plane called for his immediate death.

Who cares about the no name pilot (Seth Norris) from way back in Season 1 you say? Fair enough. Forget the one example. Let's go further.
How about Mr. Eko? He had a fundamental change in his character on the island. The MIB as Eko's brother implored him to admit his past sins. The moment he came to terms with his past decisions and stopped blaming himself, he was altering his predetermined course. A final vision of Yemi led him to his demise.

Now, while the Smoke Monster can be very persuasive we can't give the MIB's most dangerous form all the credit for offing certain character. It's pretty clear that the MIB is responsible for the ghostly appearances of Yemi (who implored Eko to repent), Alex (who told Ben to obey everything UnLocke would say to him), and Richard's lost love (who tried to convince Ricardo he was in hell).
How about Shannon? In hindsight she seemed as though she was interfering with the predetermined course of Sayid's character. Let's face it, he's just not meant to be happy. Plus, her original character would never have gone for a man like Sayid. A vision of Walt conveniently put her in the way of Ana Lucia's line of fire.
MIB definitely wanted Juliet's head on smokey platter of evil justice, she was able to elude it with help from a sonar fence and seemingly saved Kate in the process. Juliet would met her demise eventually, another way. Things don't look so good for Kate at this point and it seems as though the scheming MIB is just using her (and Claire) to get what he wants from the more important characters.
The smoke noises also could be heard and potentially took the form of the spiders who led to Nikki and Paulo's horrendous but well deserved send-off. Who says the MIB doesn't have a sense of humor?
How about Jacob's D-squad of protectors, the rest of the Others, and Whitmore's mercenaries? They were either interfering in the natural course of events or unwilling participants in a grander plan.
The MIB varies up his strategy from seemingly helping, to testing, to ultimately deceiving. Without knowing his full agenda it's hard to understand the balance between smokey carnage and cerebral manipulation.
Why does he need to make sure the candidates follow a certain course? Why does he have mommy issues?
Fortunately, there is an exception to every rule and the writers have given themselves a wonderful out with Desmond, who seems to be able to recognize that altering this LOST induced version of FATE is possible. Even he's not immune to predetermined events though, as Eloise had in fact warned Dessy that the island was not done with him yet.
Thanks, lady. You smell like mothballs.

The problem with theories on LOST is that unfortunately they just don't hold up all the way around. So, I'll allow the loose ends and gaps in this one to provoke more debate.
But why is the wine gone?
The breaking of the wine jug is indicative of not only the MIB's defiance but his determination to find another way - a loophole. Why try to escape out the cork end when you can just smash the bottle? We are starting to learn just how evil the MIB is, but what exactly makes Jacob so good? i find myself being more impressed with the MIB's cunning and persistence than Jacob's passive approach.
We know now who the Smoke Monster is, but we still don't know why or how. FATE, an underlying theme of the entire series, has been tossed around and I believe that's the determining factor for who lives and dies.
Now, for our example. Let's go back to Season 1, Episode 1. Jack, Kate and Charlie find the pilot on the plane. He's in rough shape and is feeling the effects of a concussion. Before he is ripped from his seat and yanked out of the cockpit window he shares some disturbing information with the gang. He tells them that the plane had lost radio contact six hours after take off, where it turned back for Fiji and hit turbulence. Ultimately, the plane was a thousand miles off course when it crashed.
I believe this information would affect the perception and beliefs of other key characters and affect their predetermined roles going forward. Thus, the MIB acted as a kind of 'FATE corrector' and eliminated a threat.
The flashes of electric light that emanate from the Smoke Monster serve as a scanner. I think this scan allows the MIB to take on all of that person's thoughts and experiences. I also believe it is able to determine whether the current state of the person in question matches up with their future self. In the case of Richard it allowed him to live, but mimicked his wife in an effort to trick him into thinking he was in hell. In the case of the pilot, his information about the plane called for his immediate death.
Who cares about the no name pilot (Seth Norris) from way back in Season 1 you say? Fair enough. Forget the one example. Let's go further.
How about Mr. Eko? He had a fundamental change in his character on the island. The MIB as Eko's brother implored him to admit his past sins. The moment he came to terms with his past decisions and stopped blaming himself, he was altering his predetermined course. A final vision of Yemi led him to his demise.
Now, while the Smoke Monster can be very persuasive we can't give the MIB's most dangerous form all the credit for offing certain character. It's pretty clear that the MIB is responsible for the ghostly appearances of Yemi (who implored Eko to repent), Alex (who told Ben to obey everything UnLocke would say to him), and Richard's lost love (who tried to convince Ricardo he was in hell).
How about Shannon? In hindsight she seemed as though she was interfering with the predetermined course of Sayid's character. Let's face it, he's just not meant to be happy. Plus, her original character would never have gone for a man like Sayid. A vision of Walt conveniently put her in the way of Ana Lucia's line of fire.

The smoke noises also could be heard and potentially took the form of the spiders who led to Nikki and Paulo's horrendous but well deserved send-off. Who says the MIB doesn't have a sense of humor?
How about Jacob's D-squad of protectors, the rest of the Others, and Whitmore's mercenaries? They were either interfering in the natural course of events or unwilling participants in a grander plan.
The MIB varies up his strategy from seemingly helping, to testing, to ultimately deceiving. Without knowing his full agenda it's hard to understand the balance between smokey carnage and cerebral manipulation.
Why does he need to make sure the candidates follow a certain course? Why does he have mommy issues?
Fortunately, there is an exception to every rule and the writers have given themselves a wonderful out with Desmond, who seems to be able to recognize that altering this LOST induced version of FATE is possible. Even he's not immune to predetermined events though, as Eloise had in fact warned Dessy that the island was not done with him yet.
Thanks, lady. You smell like mothballs.
The problem with theories on LOST is that unfortunately they just don't hold up all the way around. So, I'll allow the loose ends and gaps in this one to provoke more debate.
But why is the wine gone?
The breaking of the wine jug is indicative of not only the MIB's defiance but his determination to find another way - a loophole. Why try to escape out the cork end when you can just smash the bottle? We are starting to learn just how evil the MIB is, but what exactly makes Jacob so good? i find myself being more impressed with the MIB's cunning and persistence than Jacob's passive approach.
Friday, April 9, 2010
What's Up With Desmond?
First of all, I want to know why Desmond has this special ability to travel through time and space and into alternate realities while everyone else turns into hamburger meat...
Remember in Episode 1 Season 6 when Jack saw Desmond in the plane and asked if they knew each other? I immediately thought that Jack probably had some obscure, buried memory of their time on the island together, but now it seems that Jack probably remembers Desmond from the stadium bleachers, the same ones Penny was jogging on (why do people do that by the way... seems like torture, not exercise). So should we start thinking about all of the flashbacks and flash forwards and how they relate to the flash sideways? If the flash sideways are a continuation of the flash backs, then that means that the flash forwards don't actually happen, if the flash forwards happen, then that means that the flash sideways are not real.
I think my brain is turning into hamburger meat....
Also, what do you think is happening to Desmond now, is he cooperative because he has had an epiphany, or is his brain in fact hamburger meat and he'll go with whomever is in his line of vision, be it Widmore or Psycho-Sayid?
Remember in Episode 1 Season 6 when Jack saw Desmond in the plane and asked if they knew each other? I immediately thought that Jack probably had some obscure, buried memory of their time on the island together, but now it seems that Jack probably remembers Desmond from the stadium bleachers, the same ones Penny was jogging on (why do people do that by the way... seems like torture, not exercise). So should we start thinking about all of the flashbacks and flash forwards and how they relate to the flash sideways? If the flash sideways are a continuation of the flash backs, then that means that the flash forwards don't actually happen, if the flash forwards happen, then that means that the flash sideways are not real.
I think my brain is turning into hamburger meat....
Also, what do you think is happening to Desmond now, is he cooperative because he has had an epiphany, or is his brain in fact hamburger meat and he'll go with whomever is in his line of vision, be it Widmore or Psycho-Sayid?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What a relief ...
... that this week's episode had more action in it than most of the episodes this season. I mean, yes, I love Jin and Sun, and Jack, and Locke, and all, but their episodes have been quite boring this season.
It takes a (hot) man like Desmond and his accent to get this show on the road. With just five (5! Really, ABC, I can count.) episodes left in this series, I finally had a "wow" moment after watching this week.
So this episode was titled "Happily Ever After." Charlie and Daniel are both alive in the parallel universe. Charlie had "a feeling" about Claire. Daniel had "a feeling" about Charlotte. Is it a coincidence that neither Charlie nor Daniel will have the chance to live "happily ever after" in the "real" universe because they are both dead? Will Desmond get to live "happily ever after" in the "real" universe with Penny? Will he get to live "happily ever after" in the parallel universe with Penny? (Am I using too many "quotes"?)
I don't know what I'm getting at with this blog post. I think I'm just blathering. I see this show starting to get somewhere, but I just don't know where it is trying to go. Someone else with more insight should post something now.
It takes a (hot) man like Desmond and his accent to get this show on the road. With just five (5! Really, ABC, I can count.) episodes left in this series, I finally had a "wow" moment after watching this week.
So this episode was titled "Happily Ever After." Charlie and Daniel are both alive in the parallel universe. Charlie had "a feeling" about Claire. Daniel had "a feeling" about Charlotte. Is it a coincidence that neither Charlie nor Daniel will have the chance to live "happily ever after" in the "real" universe because they are both dead? Will Desmond get to live "happily ever after" in the "real" universe with Penny? Will he get to live "happily ever after" in the parallel universe with Penny? (Am I using too many "quotes"?)
I don't know what I'm getting at with this blog post. I think I'm just blathering. I see this show starting to get somewhere, but I just don't know where it is trying to go. Someone else with more insight should post something now.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sleeping Through LOST
AZ slept through LOST last night. Is this a forgivable offense? Let's examine...
Yes, we've all been there. You work all day. You commute. Maybe you go to the gym. Maybe you had a little too much to drink the night before. Maybe you have kids. Enough said there. We've all slept through television shows, movies, televised sports, etc. But when it comes to LOST... especially in its final season... how is there any reasonable excuse for zonking out?
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man. Where was I? I don't even know. I guess I should say: Shame on you, AZ! Never sleep through LOST! And then she'll come back with something akin to: Whatever, shakabry! I'll watch it online. ... Yeah, you can do that. But something is lost in an online viewing. Maybe something is gained, too. I don't know. You just shouldn't sleep through LOST. That's all I'm saying.
But you know what? Today you get a pass because we're all checking out of AA! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Yes, we've all been there. You work all day. You commute. Maybe you go to the gym. Maybe you had a little too much to drink the night before. Maybe you have kids. Enough said there. We've all slept through television shows, movies, televised sports, etc. But when it comes to LOST... especially in its final season... how is there any reasonable excuse for zonking out?
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man. Where was I? I don't even know. I guess I should say: Shame on you, AZ! Never sleep through LOST! And then she'll come back with something akin to: Whatever, shakabry! I'll watch it online. ... Yeah, you can do that. But something is lost in an online viewing. Maybe something is gained, too. I don't know. You just shouldn't sleep through LOST. That's all I'm saying.
But you know what? Today you get a pass because we're all checking out of AA! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Desmond and Charlie
I thought last night's episode was great. I am so happy that they FINALLY connected the two universes in a real and believable way. Man, that sounds like sarcasm, huh? Well I don't mean it as such. I'm being real. I guess that's what I get for always having a smart mouth. "You and your smart mouth are gonna get you in trouble some day!" Yes Daddy, that day has come.
I heart Charlie. Or at least, I heart the old Charlie. This new one is a psycho. But I think I heart him, too. He saw love on the plane. He saw an image of preggers Claire back before she was all fired up for the Lord Locke Monster. Desmond said it best when he said, "That's poetry."
The characters in the show keep saying "You always have a choice." I don't want to steal this idea. It's Edge's. One of his theories is that by the end of the show, everyone in Sideways Land is going to be privy to the life that they had on the island and they are going to have to choose whether or not they want to life that life... over there. Interesting theory. I think it could possibly play itself out. But then what happens to the Sideways universe if they do? I think it might implode on itself leaving Eloise Hawking/Widmore on a rock in the middle of the night sky somewhere repeating over and over to herself, "It wasn't supposed to be like this. I'm not ready." She's a scary broad. Reminds me of the mother/zombie in Dead Alive. Did anyone ever see that movie? So good. You've got.... the bite! Singaya!
What else? Um. I'm done with Sayid. Well maybe that's not true. Is he really totally gone? He seems to be when he kills without warning or remorse. But then he has moments, like last week, when he was sitting on the log (heh. log.) and he said to Lockey Baby, "I can't feel anything anymore." That's still human, right? At least he knows something is wrong. Goddamnit. I want my original characters back.
"Not Penny's Boat," --> Wahhhhhhhh!!!!! Why'd you have to die, Charlie? Why??
Let's see. Ummm. Who the hell is Desmond's driver? Was he in the Dharma Initiative? Hold on, I'll check Lostpedia. Hmm. He doesn't appear to be anyone. Maybe I just remember him from some old movie. He's a weirdo. This is kind of interesting though. I will leave you with it.
In the end, Lost asks big money of advertisers
TV is crazy, yo.
I heart Charlie. Or at least, I heart the old Charlie. This new one is a psycho. But I think I heart him, too. He saw love on the plane. He saw an image of preggers Claire back before she was all fired up for the Lord Locke Monster. Desmond said it best when he said, "That's poetry."
The characters in the show keep saying "You always have a choice." I don't want to steal this idea. It's Edge's. One of his theories is that by the end of the show, everyone in Sideways Land is going to be privy to the life that they had on the island and they are going to have to choose whether or not they want to life that life... over there. Interesting theory. I think it could possibly play itself out. But then what happens to the Sideways universe if they do? I think it might implode on itself leaving Eloise Hawking/Widmore on a rock in the middle of the night sky somewhere repeating over and over to herself, "It wasn't supposed to be like this. I'm not ready." She's a scary broad. Reminds me of the mother/zombie in Dead Alive. Did anyone ever see that movie? So good. You've got.... the bite! Singaya!
What else? Um. I'm done with Sayid. Well maybe that's not true. Is he really totally gone? He seems to be when he kills without warning or remorse. But then he has moments, like last week, when he was sitting on the log (heh. log.) and he said to Lockey Baby, "I can't feel anything anymore." That's still human, right? At least he knows something is wrong. Goddamnit. I want my original characters back.
"Not Penny's Boat," --> Wahhhhhhhh!!!!! Why'd you have to die, Charlie? Why??
Let's see. Ummm. Who the hell is Desmond's driver? Was he in the Dharma Initiative? Hold on, I'll check Lostpedia. Hmm. He doesn't appear to be anyone. Maybe I just remember him from some old movie. He's a weirdo. This is kind of interesting though. I will leave you with it.
In the end, Lost asks big money of advertisers
$850,000-$950,000 the going rate for May 23 finale ad spots
TV is crazy, yo.Thursday, April 1, 2010
V for Vile

V should be sucking LOST's teet and thanking them for a terrific lead in. Never mind that freaking Juliet is running around being some kind of ballsy FBI neglectful mother, but I've never seen a show that makes you care less about its characters. I only watched one, and that was enough. I'd sit through a season of Castle if it meant I wouldn't have to watch one minute of this garbage. I can't do it. V: They Win.
One a side note, this made me appreciate the direct approach of the 1996 Summer blockbuster, Independence Day. The aliens only made everyone wait for a hot second before they revealed that they were going to skull and crossbones everyone. There was no need for shitty character building. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that Will Smith already did this better. Jeff Goldblum was there too.
The only thing worse than watching V is being reminded about it while you are watching LOST.
That's where I draw the line. Did it seem like LOST had more commercials than usual this week? Well it did, and that's saying alot considering how much commercials they usually have. (Sometimes I can't wait for it to DVR and I watch it in real time. Sue me.) I believe this is directly related to the season premier of V: They Suck. ABC was like "Oh, let's get all of the commercials out of the way during LOST so we can focus on this remake of a 1983 miniseries."
Then, Jack Bauer lent his clock to the stupid aliens and we had to watch it in the bottom righthand corner of our screen during LOST. All this did for LOST fans was remind them how many minutes were remaining in the episode. Not even Desmond could make up for this blunder.
V: Fuck You. How dare you try and drag MUSE down with you. Their music is phenominal and should have nothing to do with your stupid show.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Television Show
LOST is on tonight. Did you know this? Had you heard? Just in case you haven't, I thought I would fill you in. It's a show about these characters. It's pretty cool. They're on an island. And the island talks. I know, right? It's nutty! Who ever heard of a talking island before? I know I haven't! Up until this show came on 5 years ago.
For those of you who haven't seen this television program, let me fill you in on some basics.
1) In the pilot episode, a bunch of people parachute out of a burning blimp. Some died when they hit the shores but that's just because it was Normandy and a lot of burning blimp refugees died on the shores of Normandy. It was sad. Even for the burning blimp refugees that survived their parachute. They were sad. Because their friends had died. So to cure their sadness, they walked around the island of Normandy for about 600 days or so. But it was really about 30. After that first month or decade, the island started talking to them. End Season 1.
2) In Season Two, a man named John Locke was invented by a man named Pete Townsend. They shook hands and opened up a door that unlocked a strange new world. In that world there was a man named Desmond Monkey Hands who had to keep pushing a button because if he didn't, there would be no universal health care. It was pretty scary. He had to push the universal health care button every 600 minutes or so. But it was really about 30. Oh, and there was also this other character who was a Care Bear. His name was Hurley Bear. He came down from the mountains wearing some clothes. That's where Season Two Ended.
3) In Season Three, all hell broke lose! No joke! It started right where Season Two left off with Hurley Bear all up in his clothes and talking to Desmond about the pot monster. Did I tell you about the pot monster? He was like this pot smoke that just floated around the island getting everybody high and like, doing things to them. It was really scary stuff. I don't know how to explain it really. Oh yes I do. It's like when you accidentally drop your Koosh ball in the sink or the pool or the ocean. That's what happened to Jack. Jack is another character on the show. He dropped his Koosh Ball in the ocean in the pilot episode when he parachuted from the burning blimp. He was very sad. Not just because his Koosh ball was all wet and it would take at least a day for it to dry but also because his dad died. The rest of Season Three was pretty much just nonsense.
4) In Season Four, Claire had a baby and everyone else was safe at home. Yeah, they got off the island. It was righteous. It meant something. They got to eat things like Bubba Burgers with ketchup. They were all very happy about that because back on the talking island, all they had to eat was Bubba Burgers and mustard. But there was only a little bit of mustard to go around and by Season Four ALL THE MUSTARD WAS GONE!! So they were all happy about life back at home. But they still felt sorry for leaving Claire and her baby on the island with no mustard. So they went back. They had to go back. Jack said so.
5) Season Five was awesome. They went back to the talking island and Jack and Kate had lots of sexy time and pineapples. Kate was Jack's doberman pincher in a sideways universe but he never knew that because the character who played Kate was Gweneth Paltrow and she was too busy missing her train. So instead, they all decided that it would be fun to roll on up for a magical mystery tour and take a yellow submarine back to 1977. When they got there, there was this farmer and his name was Sayid. Sayid told them that Cobra was the best Nintendo game EVER! And everyone pretty much agreed except for this tall glass of water named Sawyer who thought it was really Bubble Bobble. Sawyer was a homosexual but everyone respected him. Especially this guy named Miles who could talk to Bruce Willis.
And now you're pretty much caught up! Oh, but LOST is in it's final season now and there's only like 8 episodes left before the series finale. So what's happened so far this season is that we FINALLY found out that Claire's baby is actually Rosemary's baby. And Woody Allen is suing for custody. Stay tuned!!
LOST airs tonight at 9:00pm EST on ABC.
For those of you who haven't seen this television program, let me fill you in on some basics.
1) In the pilot episode, a bunch of people parachute out of a burning blimp. Some died when they hit the shores but that's just because it was Normandy and a lot of burning blimp refugees died on the shores of Normandy. It was sad. Even for the burning blimp refugees that survived their parachute. They were sad. Because their friends had died. So to cure their sadness, they walked around the island of Normandy for about 600 days or so. But it was really about 30. After that first month or decade, the island started talking to them. End Season 1.
2) In Season Two, a man named John Locke was invented by a man named Pete Townsend. They shook hands and opened up a door that unlocked a strange new world. In that world there was a man named Desmond Monkey Hands who had to keep pushing a button because if he didn't, there would be no universal health care. It was pretty scary. He had to push the universal health care button every 600 minutes or so. But it was really about 30. Oh, and there was also this other character who was a Care Bear. His name was Hurley Bear. He came down from the mountains wearing some clothes. That's where Season Two Ended.
3) In Season Three, all hell broke lose! No joke! It started right where Season Two left off with Hurley Bear all up in his clothes and talking to Desmond about the pot monster. Did I tell you about the pot monster? He was like this pot smoke that just floated around the island getting everybody high and like, doing things to them. It was really scary stuff. I don't know how to explain it really. Oh yes I do. It's like when you accidentally drop your Koosh ball in the sink or the pool or the ocean. That's what happened to Jack. Jack is another character on the show. He dropped his Koosh Ball in the ocean in the pilot episode when he parachuted from the burning blimp. He was very sad. Not just because his Koosh ball was all wet and it would take at least a day for it to dry but also because his dad died. The rest of Season Three was pretty much just nonsense.
4) In Season Four, Claire had a baby and everyone else was safe at home. Yeah, they got off the island. It was righteous. It meant something. They got to eat things like Bubba Burgers with ketchup. They were all very happy about that because back on the talking island, all they had to eat was Bubba Burgers and mustard. But there was only a little bit of mustard to go around and by Season Four ALL THE MUSTARD WAS GONE!! So they were all happy about life back at home. But they still felt sorry for leaving Claire and her baby on the island with no mustard. So they went back. They had to go back. Jack said so.
5) Season Five was awesome. They went back to the talking island and Jack and Kate had lots of sexy time and pineapples. Kate was Jack's doberman pincher in a sideways universe but he never knew that because the character who played Kate was Gweneth Paltrow and she was too busy missing her train. So instead, they all decided that it would be fun to roll on up for a magical mystery tour and take a yellow submarine back to 1977. When they got there, there was this farmer and his name was Sayid. Sayid told them that Cobra was the best Nintendo game EVER! And everyone pretty much agreed except for this tall glass of water named Sawyer who thought it was really Bubble Bobble. Sawyer was a homosexual but everyone respected him. Especially this guy named Miles who could talk to Bruce Willis.
And now you're pretty much caught up! Oh, but LOST is in it's final season now and there's only like 8 episodes left before the series finale. So what's happened so far this season is that we FINALLY found out that Claire's baby is actually Rosemary's baby. And Woody Allen is suing for custody. Stay tuned!!
LOST airs tonight at 9:00pm EST on ABC.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Judging by the press release, it looks like it's a Richard-centric episode next week. (Maybe those of you who watched it on real tv already knew this from the coming attractions, but I don't know.) I think this will be an awesome episode, I really want to know more about this enigmatic character!
It's a Small World
In a previous post I came to the conclusion that there are several parallels between many of the characters, here are some of the top of my head, please add your own.
It can be as specific as:
Sayid and Eko both killed (a chicken and a person, respectively) in their childhoods to prevent their brothers from having to do so.
To as broad as:
Sawyer, Kate, Ben, Jack, Claire, Hurley, Locke, and Miles have daddy issues.
It can be as specific as:
Sayid and Eko both killed (a chicken and a person, respectively) in their childhoods to prevent their brothers from having to do so.
To as broad as:
Sawyer, Kate, Ben, Jack, Claire, Hurley, Locke, and Miles have daddy issues.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Can We Trust Claire?
I really liked this episode (and no, not because Sawyer was half-naked through most of it). I did like that Jack was no where to be seen, but my favorite part was when Locke bitch-slapped Claire. Awesome!
Do you trust Claire's apology to Kate? I read some blogs that said she couldn't be trusted, but think about this:
- Locke explained to Kate that the reason he told Claire the Others had her "BYE-bee" (that's Australian for "baby") was because it would give her motivation to hate them.
- Around the time Locke smacked Claire he told her that Kate took good care of her baby. Now Claire realizes that Locke lied to her.
- Perhaps now Claire has, not only, lost her hatred towards the others, but she has also lost her trust and allegiance in Locke. Maybe her apology was true now that she realized that she was actually on the wrong side all along.
What do you think?
Jacob Is My Homeboy
There are quite a few guesses as to who the Man in Black and Jacob actually are.
I've read about and even spoken to some of you about the possibilities.
Regardless of how this plays out, one thing has become increasingly apparent to me.
The parallels between Jacob (McLostiepants) and Jesus (Christ).
Here's the evidence:
Faith in someone you have never seen before. (see Richard)
Devotion to a cause and doing what you believe is right in order to preserve that cause. (See Ben)
Confusion over the fate of those around you and what your purpose and path is. (see Locke or Jack)
Frustration over why someone who's intentions were supposedly pure would have let so much pain and suffering occur. (see anyone who has believed in Jacob)
With that said, does this make the Man in Black Satan? He did offer favors to those who agreed to do his bidding. Did he claim their souls? (see Sayid)
Is he appealing to the faithless or non believers? (see Sawyer)
Locke found two bodies in Season 1 and nicknamed theme Adam and Eve. Jack estimated that they had been dead for approximately 50 years. With them, was a pouch with one black and one white stone. Who were the bodies?
Jake and Kate? Jack still has the stones...and Kate usually follows him.
Rose and Bernard? They never cared if they died, as long as they were together; Interracial colors.
Jacob and the MIB? Perhaps their original bodies?
Bert and Ernie? Rubber Duckie, you're the one.
Two Locke's? Only Lost could come full circle and have a good Locke and an evil Locke...together.
Fun Fact: Locke once taught Walt about Backgammon. He told him it was the oldest game in the world. "Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dr. Linus
I went to bed thinking about how anticlimactic last night's episode was. ABC clearly mentioned something about Ben's demise in last week's preview (and those previews are starting to get on my nerves!), and I figured that meant his death. Did he die last night?
Stupid writers.
But then I woke up this morning around 3 and came to the conclusion that I actually enjoyed last night's episode. Why?
1) The alternate universe showed us that Ben could have turned out to be good. Instead of killing his father, he takes care of him. Instead of choosing what's best for Ben Linus, he opts to put his student ahead of himself. Maybe that's what the alternate universe is supposed to be: a mirror of these characters' true selves?
2) That scene at the end (which I could have done a screen capture on but my computer doesn't have Flash) in which Jack and Hurley happily reunite with Sun, Lapidus, Ilana(?), and Miles on the beach—when the camera flashed to Ben standing off to the side, my heart went out to him. Ben in that scene was like the kid last picked for kickball on the playground. Poor Ben. So unpopular.
3) I saw another side of Richard. Richard, who'd always held the answers. Richard, who'd always been calm and composed. Richard, who'd given his life to Jacob. This time, Richard didn't have the answers. He'd lost faith in Jacob and didn't know what else to do. Of course, Jack came to the rescue. Oh heroic Jack.
What are your thoughts on "Dr. Linus"?
Stupid writers.
But then I woke up this morning around 3 and came to the conclusion that I actually enjoyed last night's episode. Why?
1) The alternate universe showed us that Ben could have turned out to be good. Instead of killing his father, he takes care of him. Instead of choosing what's best for Ben Linus, he opts to put his student ahead of himself. Maybe that's what the alternate universe is supposed to be: a mirror of these characters' true selves?
2) That scene at the end (which I could have done a screen capture on but my computer doesn't have Flash) in which Jack and Hurley happily reunite with Sun, Lapidus, Ilana(?), and Miles on the beach—when the camera flashed to Ben standing off to the side, my heart went out to him. Ben in that scene was like the kid last picked for kickball on the playground. Poor Ben. So unpopular.
3) I saw another side of Richard. Richard, who'd always held the answers. Richard, who'd always been calm and composed. Richard, who'd given his life to Jacob. This time, Richard didn't have the answers. He'd lost faith in Jacob and didn't know what else to do. Of course, Jack came to the rescue. Oh heroic Jack.
What are your thoughts on "Dr. Linus"?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What's Your Best Guess?
So apparently it is spring break and I do not have class tonight. Do you think I'll be able to watch LOST tonight -- like a normal person -- as opposed to on later in the week?
Let's review all variables:
1. Kate needs to feed three people after arriving home around 5:30.
2. Kate needs to look after, bathe, and otherwise care for a rambunctious, strong-willed toddler who is also a self-proclaimed princess/mermaid/kitty.
3. Said princess/mermaid/kitty-toddler needs to be sound asleep by 8:59 pm for Kate to even think about starting to watch LOST.
4. Kate really likes LOST and hasn't seen one episode on the television this whole season which makes the prospect of doing so tonight very enticing!
5. Kate gets ABC on two channels, one from NY and one from CT, as far a she knows, the CT ABC is still working, but she's not 100% sure about that.
I'm crossing my fingers that I get to watch it... but I remain optimistically pessimistic (or is it pessimistically optimistic?).
Let's review all variables:
1. Kate needs to feed three people after arriving home around 5:30.
2. Kate needs to look after, bathe, and otherwise care for a rambunctious, strong-willed toddler who is also a self-proclaimed princess/mermaid/kitty.
3. Said princess/mermaid/kitty-toddler needs to be sound asleep by 8:59 pm for Kate to even think about starting to watch LOST.
4. Kate really likes LOST and hasn't seen one episode on the television this whole season which makes the prospect of doing so tonight very enticing!
5. Kate gets ABC on two channels, one from NY and one from CT, as far a she knows, the CT ABC is still working, but she's not 100% sure about that.
I'm crossing my fingers that I get to watch it... but I remain optimistically pessimistic (or is it pessimistically optimistic?).
Monday, March 8, 2010
ATTN: Creative WR Lost fans!
We're creative. We're passionate. We're crazy about Lost!
ABC's having an Ultimate LOST Fan Promo Contest. It's asking fans to create 35-second finale promos on its Web site. Check it out:
Wouldn't it be awesome if one of us won? We should all make one and enter, and post our entries (if possible) here!
ABC's having an Ultimate LOST Fan Promo Contest. It's asking fans to create 35-second finale promos on its Web site. Check it out:
Wouldn't it be awesome if one of us won? We should all make one and enter, and post our entries (if possible) here!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Pretty Richy Beauty System
Why hello, friends. Over the past sixty years people have been asking me about my beauty regimen. Until now I've kept all of this a secret, but now, with my 60-day no-risk trial offer of the Pretty Richy Beauty System, you too can look flawless, even on a remote island immersed in an ultimate battle between good and evil (or evil and evil, depending on how you look at it). But I divert...
With the Pretty Richy trial offer you will get:
With the Pretty Richy trial offer you will get:
- double black, extra plumping, 12x magnifying mascara
- super-black guy liner made from LOST island coal (excavated from a mine 1000 feet below the orchid station)
- Wrinkle reducing mud mask made from south Pacific super-smoothing mud
- Exfoliating scrub made from ground crab and other mystery crustacian shells (all shells come from creepy crawlies we've pulled off of dead bodies left to rot on the LOST beach)
- Calming night cream made from a mixture of Dharma quality mayonaise and that stuff they injected into Claire when she was pregnant (hey, if it works for fetuses, why not grown metrosexuals?)
- Dharma quality tweezers and eyebrow stencils for perfectly sculpted eyebrows
- Elixer of life; this bonus supplement is made from a secret blend of vitamins, herbs, and other homeopathic substances found around the island
And, if you order before the island moves through time or space again, we'll throw in an Aljira survivor tote bag to store all of the products. The Pretty Richy Beauty System is what every manly girly-man needs to keep pretty. We don't have a use for money or credit on the LOST island, so our new low price of your immortal soul is all it takes to get you started! Call or click (or send a signal through the lighthouse) today!
Thank you and god speed!
Inner Struggle
I was truly rooting for you from the beginning. Even after you tortured Sawyer because I knew you were doing it to save the bratty Shannon. Even after it was revealed that you used to torture innocent people. Even after you agreed to work with Ben Linus to assassinate Charles Widmore's allies. Even after you went to 1977 and shot the innocent boy who'd grow up to be the evil Ben Linus.
I'd always thought that you were struggling to unleash the good you had deep down and let it overtake the bad things you've done throughout your life. Out of all the Oceanic survivors on the island, you seemed to be the most level-headed and the most knowledgeable when it came to surviving. You also seemed to have an instinct for knowing who could and could not be trusted. And off the island, you reinvented yourself as a worker building houses with a charity organization after your missions with Ben.
But it looks like you've truly embraced the dark side now that you've died and been resurrected. I got chills at the end of "Sundown" as you and Claire walked over dead bodies at the temple and met up with unLocke/FLocke. Even though you had so much potential to be good, you also have so many abilities to be a truly evil villain.
I'm terrified by what you are now capable of doing as an unLocke/FLocke lackey.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Good Shephard
This is shaping up to be the most lopsided kickball game ever.
Team Flocke has Sayid, Claire, and a confused Kate.
Sayid and Claire are so F'n evil right now. I don't even know how or why but it's the only thing I know for sure.
Despite what you might assume, Sawyer should still be considered a wild card. He may have played nice for 3 years in the Seventies but this is a man who does his best work when he's thinking for himself.
Team Jacob isn't really a team, but rather anyone else who isn't with the black shirt dude.
We have Hurley, Ilyana, Sun, Miles, Lapidus and...
Ben was in this group, but now we will have an epsiode devoted to his demise. If the show can make us care about it's most despicable character... it can do ANYTHING!
Lapidus and Miles are around for comic relief. Which is fine, because Sawyer hasen't been funny in awhile. Lapidus could use a new Tommy Bahama shirt and Miles should be given the gold for outrunning the smoke monster.
Richard Alpert (with his magical mascara and age defying skin cream) shouldn't be forgotten. He's probably one of the only people on the island who knows what's what. I'm going to venture a guess that he pops out of the woods somewhere and meets up with Hujack (Hugo-Jack).
At this point, Jack seems to be entering every scene kicking and screaming, and he's always been rather predictable. We're supposed to assume that his doctor brains are going to figure out how to do the right thing. I'm not so sure. Jack has made the most confident decisions out of anyone, but he has a horrible track record of making good ones. Ah, the hell with it. Jack is a boy scout. He's practically Captain America. He came to this island to do two things: administer CPR and kick ass. Well, he's fresh out of CPR!
On a side note: I have this uneasy feeling that at some point we are going to have watch him administer his famous "I will pound the crap out of your chest" CPR on Hurley.
The jury is still out on Jin, who was last seen watching Clocke (Claire-Locke) share a weird moment. He obviously recognizes that Claire is batshit crazy. Friendly faces aren't what they used to be.
The painfully slow build to the reunion of Jin and Sun should be a good payoff. Cue the sad music and montage though, because one of these two probably won't make it.
Hey, you Jin some and you lose Sun.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Well, I still can't figure out how to comment on other posts... so I apologize for not having much else to say besides this: I am more confused than ever.
Step Up
Dear LOST,
You best be steppin' up your game tonight. I get that you don't have enough time left to answer all our questions. That's fine. But um, could you answer one or two maybe? And I don't mean answers that lead to more questions like Locke Monster telling Sawyer that the reason he's on this island is because his name is on a wall. See, that's not an answer. All that is is a procrastination tactic. I know this game well. You're not fooling me with your shenanigans.
You know what would be good? You know what you should do tonight? Just blow up the temple and be done with it. Why are you introducing new characters now? Nobody gives a damn about Planet of the Apes pony tail guy. "English tastes bitter on my tongue." Oh yeah, Guy? Well your whole freaky society tastes like bullshit on mine. Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here? Yeah. I'm gonna sick Biff on your ass.
Here's a tip: Don't have anyone go anywhere. Not on the island anyway. Not anymore. I don't care what you do in Sideways Land, but on the island, people need to sit the fuck down and just talk to each other. Here is an example of dialogue you might try using:
Hurley: Dude, so like, what's going on here, for real?
Jacob: Oh, I'm glad you asked, Hurley. You see, it all started when...
It is at this point where an ANSWER can be given. But no, you won't do that. That would be too easy. Instead, you'll insist upon Claire jumping out of the jungle with her boney monkey baby, thereby causing Hurley to turn his head for a second and allowing Jacob to disappear. Next, Claire will start shooting all willy-nilly-like and some worthless extras will die horribly. And by horribly, I don't mean that it will be gruesome and painful; I mean that they are such terrible actors that they will grab their chests with one hand and raise the other to the sky proclaiming "Why, Jacob, why?" and then crumple to the dirt like the piles of throwaway James Lipton garbage that they are. Dear LOST, don't be like that.
Please do something useful tonight. Please shock us. Give us a WOW moment or two. I think we deserve it. Don't invent some impossible carousel and throw it on the beach, only to have Jack walk up to it, take a ride and proclaim, "How come we never saw this before?" That would not be kosher. Oh, and if you're going to visit Sideways Sawyer, can you please please PLEASE make him slightly different than he really is but also have strange things about him that he notices and is all like "Well I never noticed that before. I wonder what that could mean?" Yeah. That'd be great. Like give him an ear on his chest. When he opens his shirt he could be all "Did I always have that ear on my chest?" and consider it for a few seconds but then realize that yes, he always had an ear on his chest. Then you can have him continue on with his normal everyday Sideways business and not explain it at all. That would be keen. Thanks.
Please don't get me wrong LOST. I still heart you like whoa. It's just that sometimes (and by sometimes I mean like... always) you make me want to open up the top of my skull and poke that gooey mass with pound cake. I could do it too. Anything is possible with you.
Sideways Shaka
P.S. Kill Kate. Kill Kate. Kill Kate.
You best be steppin' up your game tonight. I get that you don't have enough time left to answer all our questions. That's fine. But um, could you answer one or two maybe? And I don't mean answers that lead to more questions like Locke Monster telling Sawyer that the reason he's on this island is because his name is on a wall. See, that's not an answer. All that is is a procrastination tactic. I know this game well. You're not fooling me with your shenanigans.
You know what would be good? You know what you should do tonight? Just blow up the temple and be done with it. Why are you introducing new characters now? Nobody gives a damn about Planet of the Apes pony tail guy. "English tastes bitter on my tongue." Oh yeah, Guy? Well your whole freaky society tastes like bullshit on mine. Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here? Yeah. I'm gonna sick Biff on your ass.
Here's a tip: Don't have anyone go anywhere. Not on the island anyway. Not anymore. I don't care what you do in Sideways Land, but on the island, people need to sit the fuck down and just talk to each other. Here is an example of dialogue you might try using:
Hurley: Dude, so like, what's going on here, for real?
Jacob: Oh, I'm glad you asked, Hurley. You see, it all started when...
It is at this point where an ANSWER can be given. But no, you won't do that. That would be too easy. Instead, you'll insist upon Claire jumping out of the jungle with her boney monkey baby, thereby causing Hurley to turn his head for a second and allowing Jacob to disappear. Next, Claire will start shooting all willy-nilly-like and some worthless extras will die horribly. And by horribly, I don't mean that it will be gruesome and painful; I mean that they are such terrible actors that they will grab their chests with one hand and raise the other to the sky proclaiming "Why, Jacob, why?" and then crumple to the dirt like the piles of throwaway James Lipton garbage that they are. Dear LOST, don't be like that.
Please do something useful tonight. Please shock us. Give us a WOW moment or two. I think we deserve it. Don't invent some impossible carousel and throw it on the beach, only to have Jack walk up to it, take a ride and proclaim, "How come we never saw this before?" That would not be kosher. Oh, and if you're going to visit Sideways Sawyer, can you please please PLEASE make him slightly different than he really is but also have strange things about him that he notices and is all like "Well I never noticed that before. I wonder what that could mean?" Yeah. That'd be great. Like give him an ear on his chest. When he opens his shirt he could be all "Did I always have that ear on my chest?" and consider it for a few seconds but then realize that yes, he always had an ear on his chest. Then you can have him continue on with his normal everyday Sideways business and not explain it at all. That would be keen. Thanks.
Please don't get me wrong LOST. I still heart you like whoa. It's just that sometimes (and by sometimes I mean like... always) you make me want to open up the top of my skull and poke that gooey mass with pound cake. I could do it too. Anything is possible with you.
Sideways Shaka
P.S. Kill Kate. Kill Kate. Kill Kate.
Don't Want to Spoil the Fun ...
I won't be reading these articles, because they supposedly contain spoilers that were recently revealed about the end of the show. I suggest you avoid them too. But here they are if you just can't stand being in the dark:
Seattle P-I's 13 Clues
EW intern at the Paley Fest
Who's Not the Mom of Jack's Son? (accidentally read this one)
Stars Have No Clue What's to Come
Something About Water
Enjoy! (or don't!)
Seattle P-I's 13 Clues
EW intern at the Paley Fest
Who's Not the Mom of Jack's Son? (accidentally read this one)
Stars Have No Clue What's to Come
Something About Water
Enjoy! (or don't!)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Jacob Spy vs Other Guy Spy?
The following are excerpts from the Wikipedia page on Spy vs Spy:
"The comic features two spies, Black and White, who are constantly warring against each other, and coming up with increasingly sophisticated ways of doing away with the other."
"The only difference between them are the color of their clothes: one dresses in white, the other in black."
Our friends on LOST are obviously a little less hands on (ie: no booby traps or dynamite). Really, their rules of war have yet to be fully defined.
A LOST sense of humanity.
I'm new to this so I figured I'd start out with something that's been on my mind for awhile now.
Jack is an asshole.
Everyone is else too.
There is something maddening about the selfishness of the Oceanic 6. Originally, I was miffed because they've seen so many around them perish and still continue to be so self absorbed with their own purpose.
Now that they've returned to the island (most of them willingly), I'm convinced that they have a total disregard for human life. They boarded the Ajira Airways flight 316 knowing they would return to the island. What about everyone else on that plane?
Oh, I'm sorry unnamed characters you're about to meet your certain demise and/or be stranded on a magical island for the first time. I'm sure you have loved ones and actual lives, it's just too bad that the only people who would be able to give you insight are way too busy doing far more important things.
Similarly, Jacob's method appears to be that of weeding out potential 'candidates' from an insanely long client list. With a death toll rivaling that of a Rambo movie, it seems like massive amounts of collateral damage is a common theme here.
Jack is an asshole.
Everyone is else too.
There is something maddening about the selfishness of the Oceanic 6. Originally, I was miffed because they've seen so many around them perish and still continue to be so self absorbed with their own purpose.
Now that they've returned to the island (most of them willingly), I'm convinced that they have a total disregard for human life. They boarded the Ajira Airways flight 316 knowing they would return to the island. What about everyone else on that plane?
Oh, I'm sorry unnamed characters you're about to meet your certain demise and/or be stranded on a magical island for the first time. I'm sure you have loved ones and actual lives, it's just too bad that the only people who would be able to give you insight are way too busy doing far more important things.
Similarly, Jacob's method appears to be that of weeding out potential 'candidates' from an insanely long client list. With a death toll rivaling that of a Rambo movie, it seems like massive amounts of collateral damage is a common theme here.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Conspiracy Theory!
Why am I the only one posting on this blog? I hope you're all actually reading this! Or maybe it's because it's Friday night, and I'm sitting at home on my laptop while watching the Olympics short track races ...
Anyway, I've been catching up on Project Rungay's blog and the boys there came up with this brilliant conspiracy theory. You know those magic numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42? The guys thought it out, and with the exception of Hurley, all those names are J names—J as in Jacob!
4: John Locke
8: Hugo Reyes
15: James Ford/Sawyer
16: Sayid Jarrah
23: Jack Shephard
42: Jin Kwon
And one of their brilliant followers pointed out that in Spanish, Hugo is spelled Jugo sometimes. So that totally fits with the J conspiracy! I don't know what that means, but isn't that interesting?
Thank the Smoke Monster for snow days!
Because I finally watched this week's episode! And I'm starting a new post because the one Shaka Bry started is so far down.
How exciting was this episode? I enjoyed it, but at times, I was like, "Wait, what?!"
For instance, I feel as if the writers are bringing back stuff from the first season just to tie up loose ends. I mean, what was really the significance of the cave scene? Did Hurley know that Jack's dad's body was on the plane? Who did those bodies belong to? They were "Adam and Eve," right? So they couldn't have been the bodies of Jacob and the other guy, right? I don't get.
The lighthouse was cool and all, but, to paraphrase Jack, how come no one, in their search of the island, and in Sayid's walk around the island after he tortured Sawyer, had ever encountered it? That and the huge monstrous temple?
Oh, Claire, how crazy you are now. How did you live three years on the island and not encounter any of the other plane survivors? What did you put in that crib to represent Aaron? I swore she was going to decapitate the captured Other (other Other?). Do you guys think she's infected with what Rousseau's shipmates (whom she killed) were infected with? Does Sayid have the same infection? What will happen to everyone at the temple now that unLocke's team is headed there? Will everyone there die?
Speaking of the other plane survivors, what ever happened to them?
Oh so many questions! And then ABC goes ahead and gives us a sucky preview that says absolutely nothing about next week's episode!
BTW, anyone who wants to post, send me a message!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Please forgive me ...
I'm still catching up on Lost! Just finished last week's episode ("The Substitute"), but I haven't read any of the posts since last week because I'm afraid I'll ruin "Lighthouse" for me. Here are my thoughts:
- I love that Sawyer has read "Of Mice and Men." I find hot guys who read books hot. Ooh, baby!
- Did those numbers written in chalk on the ceiling in the cave correspond with Hurley's numbers/numbers they had to input into the computer?
- How awesome is LAX time lines Hurley? He's so confident and positive!
- I love how Locke has such a great life in the LAX time line. I'm interested in seeing more of teacher Locke.
- Ben Linus in LAX is hilarious. Nerd alert!
- I love how Ben in regular time line gives Locke's eulogy and mentions he murdered Locke. And then Lapidus' reaction as they bury Locke.
- Is a war going to result, and will Sawyer fight against Jack?
Let me know your thoughts!
Oh, I am hoping for a snow day so I can watch "Lighthouse"! Until then, no more visits here for me!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New WR LOSTies!
The Lighthouse
I enjoyed last night's episode. I was misled by AZ earlier in the day though. She said it was going to be a Hurley episode. Sure, he was featured, but I thought the parallel story would be his. Regardless, I thought the Jack story with his son was cute. But I have to say this... what is up with Parallel World??
Why does Jack not quite remember getting his appendix out? Is that somehow related to why his neck was bleeding on the plane? I think this Parallel World is horseshit. It's not real. It's like when Marty McFly was disappearing at the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance. Kinda.
Other thoughts:
Hurley is too trusting. I guarantee he's not going to survive the series and when he kicks it it's going to be even sadder than when Charlie died. I'm sure he will die doing something heroic.
Claire's gone batshit crazy. I love it! I don't think our original idea of her being like Rousseau holds water anymore. Rousseau was a vigilante who fought the people who went evil. Claire IS evil now. Welp, see ya later, Claire.
Ultimate Showdown is definitely building between Jack and Sawyer. I swear I just got goosebumps thinking of it.
Why does Jack not quite remember getting his appendix out? Is that somehow related to why his neck was bleeding on the plane? I think this Parallel World is horseshit. It's not real. It's like when Marty McFly was disappearing at the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance. Kinda.
Other thoughts:
Hurley is too trusting. I guarantee he's not going to survive the series and when he kicks it it's going to be even sadder than when Charlie died. I'm sure he will die doing something heroic.
Claire's gone batshit crazy. I love it! I don't think our original idea of her being like Rousseau holds water anymore. Rousseau was a vigilante who fought the people who went evil. Claire IS evil now. Welp, see ya later, Claire.
Ultimate Showdown is definitely building between Jack and Sawyer. I swear I just got goosebumps thinking of it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Books of LOST
This is pretty self explanatory but I'll explain it anyway. It's a very partial list of the books read and/or thrown around on LOST. Also on this page is a link to the source: a full list of all the books ever read and or thrown around on LOST. However that page has some weird lighting issues.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Katy Segal is one of the guest stars for tonights episode, so that's a pretty good give away that it will be a Locke-centric episode. Pretty interesting thought considering that we assume the real Locke is dead. Does anyone have any predictions?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
For Better Or Worse?
I didn't catch onto this myself. But I read on that when Jin and Sun were held at customs in LA, the officer addresses Sun as Ms. Paik (not Mrs. Kwon). Does that mean in this alternate reality Jin and Sun are not husband and wife, but instead businessman and the boss's daughter? How does the knowledge of this possibility affect our perception of their interactions on the plane? And do you think Sun really can't speak English in this reality or is she lying?
Death will come to some ...
You and I both know that some of our beloved/most hated characters will die by the end of this season. Which characters would you most like to see offed?
My picks:

Jack: He wasn't even supposed to survive the first episode of the series! It's destiny! He's supposed to die!

Kate: Her character's so one-dimensional. It would be so satisfying to see her gone. Unfortunately, I don't think the writers would go that far.

Ben: He's creepy. The end.

Hippie John Lennon lookalike at the temple: Come on. John Lennon? He was shot? Again, destiny? OK, I don't really care whether he dies. Just wanted to make the connection.
What do you think?
More Talk on Episode 2
The TV Obsessed - This was actually an interesting recap. I had totally forgotten that the French who'd come to the island with Rousseau were dragged into the temple and then came out "changed." What does that mean? It's the same temple the other Others are occupying now ...
EW - Someone who actually seems to like Kate!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Where are the theories?
Let's get some discussions on, people!
Talking points:
- What do you think has happened to Claire? What will her role be on the island now?
- Does Miles know something about Sayid?
- Who is the Japanese-speaking man at the temple?
- What does UnLocke want with Sawyer (previews seemed to show they meet up)?
- Is Ethan still a bad guy in the LA time line?
- Is there a Ben in the LA time line?
- When are we going to see Widmore and Daniel Faraday's mom again?
- More important, when will we see Desmond and Penny again?
- Will Jack die by the series finale?
- Will my plane from Sydney to Los Angeles on 2/23 crash onto a mysterious island haunted by a smoke monster and crazy "Others"?
Let's dish!
Talking points:
- What do you think has happened to Claire? What will her role be on the island now?
- Does Miles know something about Sayid?
- Who is the Japanese-speaking man at the temple?
- What does UnLocke want with Sawyer (previews seemed to show they meet up)?
- Is Ethan still a bad guy in the LA time line?
- Is there a Ben in the LA time line?
- When are we going to see Widmore and Daniel Faraday's mom again?
- More important, when will we see Desmond and Penny again?
- Will Jack die by the series finale?
- Will my plane from Sydney to Los Angeles on 2/23 crash onto a mysterious island haunted by a smoke monster and crazy "Others"?
Let's dish!
Previously on Scrabble
There are some interesting PARALLELS here at WR. The season premiere of Scrabble is commencing on the heels of the greatest show ever. So you may find the following information very, very interesting.
Most of the major players on LOST are also major players on the Scrabble board. Here's a guide to help you with your next big win.
Jack- Put him in the right place and he just might score.
Sawyer-Strong and full of potential, this one may dominate the game yet.
Note: Kate won't actually get you anywhere. But if you insist on driving a wedge, try Cate which means choice food (Jack:yum), or freckles (Sawyer!) or perhaps tracker.
Hurley-Check out this big boy!
Sayid-Torture your opponent with this one.
Jin-A quiet little word that can pack a punch.
Sun-Minor points, but useful in a dark spot.
Charlie-Get all of these letters in your tray and Bingo! What better way to honor the ultimate sacrifice?
Ben or Benjamin-Short and crafty or bold and aggressive, either way, this one can certainly move the game. (Does anyone remember Henry Gale?)
Lock-Leave off the last “E” for epically existentialist.
Boon-Leave off the last "E" for early exit.
If Eloise Hawking was a warmer, nicer kind of mom she might have had a nickname for her son Daniel Farraday. Remember Dan for future moves.
And don't forget to go Miles, toss a Penny, and pick a Rose and surely you will be victorious.
Most of the major players on LOST are also major players on the Scrabble board. Here's a guide to help you with your next big win.
Jack- Put him in the right place and he just might score.
Sawyer-Strong and full of potential, this one may dominate the game yet.
Note: Kate won't actually get you anywhere. But if you insist on driving a wedge, try Cate which means choice food (Jack:yum), or freckles (Sawyer!) or perhaps tracker.
Hurley-Check out this big boy!
Sayid-Torture your opponent with this one.
Jin-A quiet little word that can pack a punch.
Sun-Minor points, but useful in a dark spot.
Charlie-Get all of these letters in your tray and Bingo! What better way to honor the ultimate sacrifice?
Ben or Benjamin-Short and crafty or bold and aggressive, either way, this one can certainly move the game. (Does anyone remember Henry Gale?)
Lock-Leave off the last “E” for epically existentialist.
Boon-Leave off the last "E" for early exit.
If Eloise Hawking was a warmer, nicer kind of mom she might have had a nickname for her son Daniel Farraday. Remember Dan for future moves.
And don't forget to go Miles, toss a Penny, and pick a Rose and surely you will be victorious.
I wish I were on an island right now ...
... because I'm lonely in this office thanks to the snow!
What others are saying about last night's episode:
L.A. Times
New York Times
Chicago Tribune
The Star-Ledger
Seems no one else was very impressed either. ...
What others are saying about last night's episode:
L.A. Times
New York Times
Chicago Tribune
The Star-Ledger
Seems no one else was very impressed either. ...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Episode 2
I couldn't wait until morning. Did anyone else not find this episode that satisfying? It left me feeling empty inside.

Except for the part when Sawyer cried over Juliet (who died again this episode, by the way). That was touching. Oh, Sawyer. You were not meant to be alone.
And that Kate. She was looking to move in on Juliet's territory, and her body's not even cold! I did not like Kate last night. I mean, she pulled a gun on a pregnant girl! Sheesh!
What are your thoughts?
UnLocke for President
I'm tough and I get the job done!
I will wipe out all political bureaucracy with a simple swipe of my smoke monster tentacle.
Vote for me - UnLocke!
I'll be president one day.
Think I can't do it? Click here.
DIY Dharma Initiative Station
We're going to start our own Dharma stations in the office. I'm not sure exactly what we'll do in our stations (probably just create great educational publications).
If you want to start your own Dharma station, you need to print out a symbol for one of the Dharma stations and hang it up in your cubicle.
The following stations have already been assigned:
Alicia=The Looking Glass
Bryon=The Orchid
Kate=The Temple
E.J.=The Swan
When you choose a station, add it to the comments so we know who you are.
If you want to start your own Dharma station, you need to print out a symbol for one of the Dharma stations and hang it up in your cubicle.
The following stations have already been assigned:
Alicia=The Looking Glass
Bryon=The Orchid
Kate=The Temple
E.J.=The Swan
When you choose a station, add it to the comments so we know who you are.
Hurley For President
Roundup of "Lost" in the News
Who's excited for tonight's episode?
Read up on what others think will happen and more about the show:
Entertainment Weekly
TV Guide
USA Today
Buddy TV
In other Lost-related news:
Jin loves Hawaii, to star in Hawaii Five-O
Hurley has a podcast
Lost Super Bowl ad (at top of linked page)
Read up on what others think will happen and more about the show:
Entertainment Weekly
TV Guide
USA Today
Buddy TV
In other Lost-related news:
Jin loves Hawaii, to star in Hawaii Five-O
Hurley has a podcast
Lost Super Bowl ad (at top of linked page)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Welcome, WR Lost fans!
You asked for it. Here it is. A place we can discuss our thoughts on the best darn show out there and to share links to other sites with cool theories.
What happened in the season opener? The simple version is that the hydrogen bomb created two separate time lines. In the first, the bomb didn't work, and Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, and the others flashed from 1977 to 2007, but they remain on the island and encounter the other Others. In the second, the island lies on the ocean floor, and the Oceanic flight lands safely in Los Angeles.
So what are your theories and expectations for this week's episode? Comment below! Let's make this the best virtual meeting place!
What happened in the season opener? The simple version is that the hydrogen bomb created two separate time lines. In the first, the bomb didn't work, and Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, and the others flashed from 1977 to 2007, but they remain on the island and encounter the other Others. In the second, the island lies on the ocean floor, and the Oceanic flight lands safely in Los Angeles.
So what are your theories and expectations for this week's episode? Comment below! Let's make this the best virtual meeting place!
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